Bite Squad Lawsuits – Understanding Your Legal Options
A bite squad lawsuit is a legal case in which there is a group of attorneys who pursue the claims of a client against several bite claim insurance companies. If you are a victim, and you are a consumer, then you will need to understand what a bite squad lawsuit is about. If you are a victim, and you are experiencing an injury, then you will be required to provide evidence of the injury to the attorney who is handling your case. This type of lawsuit is one that is usually filed by accident victims who have sustained injuries from other drivers or individuals who are operating trucks or buses that failed to properly maintain their vehicles.
When it comes to filing a lawsuit like this, you should realize that this type of case is one that may not prove in your favor.
In fact, there is a good chance that the lawsuit may not even make it through the initial stages. What often happens is that the insurance company that you have chosen to file your lawsuit with will contest the claim. Why? Because they will want to retain the legal rights to fight your case. You have probably heard the phrase “no win no fee”?
This means that if you lose, you don’t have to pay anything. Unfortunately, many attorneys do not inform their clients of these types of clauses.
The attorneys also fail to inform their clients about the importance of filing a case number as soon as possible. The simple act of filing a case number will ensure that your attorney has a record of your claim. As a result, if another attorney handles your case, they can look up your case number and see whether or not your rights were represented properly.
Once an attorney wins your lawsuit, they will be paid the amount of money that was won in the settlement.
Unfortunately, the actual amount of money that is won in a case like this will not be very much. The attorneys will usually receive a percentage of the money that is won, however they may get as little as 5% of the settlement. You may have to pay an additional hourly fee to the attorney if he or she wins your case.
The unfortunate part of this clause is that it could cause you to have a hard time getting an award.
Most companies do not list attorneys that have won them in their books. If your company does not list the attorneys that have won your case, then you are going to have to find each of the attorneys to get a case number. Attorneys do not list lawyers that lost a case because their fees were above the board.
Although the above may sound like a negative outcome, there are a few different things that you should know.
First, you do not necessarily have to hire a bite squad lawsuit service. Many individuals have been able to get significant awards on their own. Second, although there is a provision that requires that all lawyers must be included in the lawsuit, many companies will not hire any individual that they feel represents them. Lastly, although it may be easier to select an individual that you personally feel comfortable with, it is still best to select an attorney that has won a similar case.